Richmond National Battlefield Park, Malvern Hill, Virginia (at nearby Willis Methodist Church)
May 6, 7:15 a.m.
Sunrise at 6:08 a.m.
Yes, what a mimic he is. I catch glimpses of his skills, with some mimicry blatant, other bits of it subtle so that I'm often not sure what he's up to. Here I list what strikes me as I listen:
0:03, house sparrow
0:30, northern flicker Klee-yer! call
0:50, purple martin
1:10, blue jay
1:47, common yellowthroat
2:00, common yellowthroat
2:07, great crested flycatcher
2:14, northern flicker Klee-yer! call
2:21, blue jay
2:37, Carolina wren
2:48, northern cardinal
2:56, Carolina wren
3:07, eastern bluebird
3:20, purple martin?
3:29, blue jay
3:47, wood thrush
4:18, northern cardinal
4:27, tufted titmouse
5:01, northern flicker Klee-yer! call
5:04, blue jay
5:12, killdeer?
5:32, eastern phoebe! fee-bee song
6:04, great crested flycatcher?
6:16, belted kingfisher?
6:19, wood thrush
6:27, common yellowthroat
6:40, purple martin
6:48, blue jay
6:53, house finch
7:01, tufted titmouse
Some of this mimicry is striking, leaving no doubt, such as the variety of calls from blue jays, the Klee-yer! call of the northern flicker, the wichity song of a common yellowthroat, the whit-whit calls of a wood thrush, the FEE-bee of an eastern phoebe. Others are less obvious to me, and a host of his songs sound so familiar, yet I can't quite place them.
Perhaps an ovenbird and scarlet tanager, but the northern mockingbird is so overpowering that little can be heard beyond him . . . other than distant traffic noise in this densely populated section of eastern Virginia.
Photo by John Van de Graaff